Saturday, September 26, 2009


da lame x tulis blog..ade gak la aku jenguk2 blog die..she's happy now..xpelah..die hepy without me..mungkin btol ckp kwn2 aku...just leave her..sumone ssaid im bangang coz tehegeh2 kat die..tapi mampu ke aku?aku da cube sedaye upaye tapi xleh..y God test me like this?y i still cnt forget u give me suppports...i neeed u all....cmne nk atasi mslh ni???aku da pasrah..everything around me makes me think of her...tapi die ckit pun xingat aku..y she always kol me stupid?maybe she's mat perasan yg thegeh2 kat die...kwn2..cmne ni?leh tlg aku????

1 comment:

  1. ??????
    mcm x pcya je..
    be strong k..
    wlupn u da slalu dgr ayat nie kn(msti mmbe2 u pn ckp mcm nie gak)..
    but i do mean it..
    im not just fill in the blank..
    i pnh rasa mcm nie..
